Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Faceless Woman
where have you gone?
in the attempt to hide your sin and shame
you have lost your i d e n t i t y.

Faceless woman
why do you hide
yourself from us
we starve for your glance,
but only see
the remnants of
b e a u t y t h a t o n c e w a s.

Faceless woman
how did this come to be?
Fear has robbed you of your s m i l e
and quenched that
fire in your eyes.

Faceless woman
There is a deeper tragedy
than your bite
There is a genereation
loonging for your w i s d o m
but you hide from us.

F E A R L E S S woman
Won't you rediscover
who you are?
Let your beauty
come alive,
bring your features to the surface.
We need you.