In a world of many colors, and vast diversity, there are few things that seem to unite us all. But one of those providential, unifying factors is a longing within us to fulfill our purpose. So often, the threatening pace of life wraps its roots around our deepest desires and chokes them out, leaving us to the mundane. But I am convinced somewhere deep within every person lies a longing for greater meaning.
And not just purpose of small contribution.
But of great significance.
That longing is for something more.
Much more.
Being a college student, I am well-acquainted with this quest for purpose. Graduation is rounding the bend within the next year, and figuring out what I am supposed to do with my life is quickly making its way up the priority ladder. I am not consumed by this concept of purpose in order to meet the world's standards. I care not of those things (John 17:16). I have discovered this obsession for a greater, more eternal reason; the same reason I believe this longing for purpose resides in all of us. I would like to point you to a scripture that has been weighing heavy on my heart the past couple of weeks. Proverbs 29:18; "Where there is no vision, the people will perish."
Let's zoom out a couple of times to check out the bigger picture for just a moment. We serve a big, powerful God.
(-) <--- My zoom out button.
(Allow me to reiterate)
The reason I say that is this: God does not need us to do His work. He could stop world hunger, cure every case of cancer, and even solve the mystery to a female's brain at the snap a finger. But instead, he has chosen us to carry out his purpose. God, every day, is sitting on the edge of his seat, ready to accomplish his plan through us- He is just looking for people that are willing to be used. He needs a body. Do not be so arrogant as to think God needs you. He doesn't. But please be sensitive to know He wants you. And He does. Way more than you even realize.
Now, back to the purpose thing. Again, God is looking for people that are willing to be used. If he gives you a vision (and those of are in Christ should be SEEKING that vision), it's because he sees you fit. He want so badly to show His glory through you. You're his child! BE OBEDIENT. If you say no, God will move on to someone else who is willing. Not that we don't serve a God of second chances, but we surely do not want to miss out on being a part of God's ultimate plan. God lead me to this revelation through a passage in Joshua. In Joshua 1, God is more or less showing Joshua the vision He has for his life. Moses has passed away, and God is looking for someone else to lead His people. (God is always looking for someone to use!) He tells him " Be strong and courageous & [catch this!] Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do." Luke 16:10 also says "If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in the larger ones.."
God is saying, look, I want to use you but you're going to have to be obedient to the "Nth" degree. "Do not deviate from them, turning to the right or the left." Basically, we must trust Him. Do we really believe God is who He says He is? Ruler of a greater Kingdom? Creator and governor of the entire universe? The one who loves you more specially, and beautifully than anyone else ever will?
Let's continue on in Joshua. God uses him to do some amazing things! He directs the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant across the Jordan River, which God dried up for them to walk through, and then tells him He desires him to lead his people in the battle of Jericho. God continues to speak to Joshua words of encouragement, words of strength, and words of love. God says to do, and Joshua does. He is doing incredible things through Joshua. Why? Because Joshua's intention is to make God's name great, not his own. And he is obedient to the "Nth" degree.
Daily, God is searching for someone to use. Someone to accomplish a specific task. God gave Joshua another task in Chapter 5:6-7. The passage reads this "The Israelites had traveled into the wilderness for forty years until all the men who were old enough to fight in battle when they left Egypt had died. For they had disobeyed the Lord, and the Lord vowed he would not let them enter the land he had sworn to give us--a land flowing with milk and honey. So Joshua circumcised their sons-- those who had grown up to take their father's places-- for they had not been circumcised on the way to the Promised Land." Do you see it? God was looking for people he could use. People he could trust in. He gave the Israelites an opportunity, but they disobeyed and did not get to experience the "land of milk and honey." But God's plan was not going to be stopped just because of them. God is sovereign, and if we refuse his calling, he will move on to someone else. How fortunate are we to even have a chance to do his work and glorify his name.
My challenge to you, and to myself, today is to never pass up the opportunity to do God's work. Be obedient to the "Nth" degree. If we don't say yes, he will call someone else who he can depend on. Start saying yes to God. Trust Him.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Remember, he is a loving God who doesn't need you, but wants you more than you could ever imagine.
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